This is a list of the ACL 2008 Papers suggested in week 6 (transfered here from the main meeting page for convenience):
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P08-1002 [bib]: 'Shane Bergsma; Dekang Lin; Randy Goebel'
''Distributional Identification of Non-Referential Pronouns''
P08-1010 [bib]: 'Yonggang Deng; Jia Xu; Yuqing Gao'
''Phrase Table Training for Precision and Recall: What Makes a Good Phrase and a Good Phrase Pair?''
P08-1012 [bib]: 'Hao Zhang; Chris Quirk; Robert C. Moore; Daniel Gildea'
''Bayesian Learning of Non-Compositional Phrases with Synchronous Parsing''
P08-1018 [bib]: 'Guihong Cao; Stephen Robertson; Jian-Yun Nie'
''Selecting Query Term Alternations for Web Search by Exploiting Query Contexts''
P08-1022 [bib]: 'Dominic Espinosa; Michael White; Dennis Mehay'
''Hypertagging: Supertagging for Surface Realization with CCG''
P08-1026 [bib]: 'Alexander Koller; Michaela Regneri; Stefan Thater'
''Regular Tree Grammars as a Formalism for Scope Underspecification''
P08-1027 [bib]: 'Dmitry Davidov; Ari Rappoport'
''Classification of Semantic Relationships between Nominals Using Pattern Clusters''
P08-1028 [bib]: 'Jeff Mitchell; Mirella Lapata'
''Vector-based Models of Semantic Composition''
P08-1031 [bib]: 'S.R.K. Branavan; Harr Chen; Jacob Eisenstein; Regina Barzilay'
''Learning Document-Level Semantic Properties from Free-Text Annotations''
P08-1038 [bib]: 'Frederick Hoyt; Jason Baldridge'
''A Logical Basis for the D Combinator and Normal Form in CCG''
P08-1039 [bib]: 'David Vadas; James R. Curran'
''Parsing Noun Phrase Structure with CCG''
P08-1040 [bib]: 'David Vickrey; Daphne Koller'
''Sentence Simplification for Semantic Role Labeling''
P08-1041 [bib]: 'Giuseppe Carenini; Raymond T. Ng; Xiaodong Zhou'
''Summarizing Emails with Conversational Cohesion and Subjectivity''
P08-1051 [bib]: 'Joanna Mrozinski; Edward Whittaker; Sadaoki Furui'
''Collecting a Why-Question Corpus for Development and Evaluation of an Automatic QA-System''
P08-1068 [bib]: 'Terry Koo; Xavier Carreras; Michael Collins'
''Simple Semi-supervised Dependency Parsing''
P08-1069 [bib]: 'Rebecca Nesson; Giorgio Satta; Stuart M. Shieber'
''Optimal $k$-arization of Synchronous Tree-Adjoining Grammar''
P08-1070 [bib]: 'Rebecca Dridan; Valia Kordoni; Jeremy Nicholson'
''Enhancing Performance of Lexicalised Grammars''
P08-1080 [bib]: 'Michael Kaisser; Marti A. Hearst; John B. Lowe'
''Improving Search Results Quality by Customizing Summary Lengths''
P08-1082 [bib]: 'Mihai Surdeanu; Massimiliano Ciaramita; Hugo Zaragoza'
''Learning to Rank Answers on Large Online QA Collections''
P08-1096 [bib]: 'Xiaofeng Yang; Jian Su; Jun Lang; Chew Lim Tan; Ting Liu; Sheng Li'
''An Entity-Mention Model for Coreference Resolution with Inductive Logic Programming''
P08-1106 [bib]: 'Andras Csomai; Rada Mihalcea'
''Linguistically Motivated Features for Enhanced Back-of-the-Book Indexing''
P08-1109 [bib]: 'Jenny Rose Finkel; Alex Kleeman; Christopher D. Manning'
''Efficient, Feature-based, Conditional Random Field Parsing''
P08-1117 [bib]: 'Vivek Srikumar; Roi Reichart; Mark Sammons; Ari Rappoport; Dan Roth'
''Extraction of Entailed Semantic Relations Through Syntax-Based Comma Resolution''
P08-1119 [bib]: 'Zornitsa Kozareva; Ellen Riloff; Eduard Hovy'
''Semantic Class Learning from the Web with Hyponym Pattern Linkage Graphs''
P08-2008 [bib]: 'Dmitriy Dligach; Martha Palmer'
''Novel Semantic Features for Verb Sense Disambiguation''
P08-2012 [bib]: 'Jenny Rose Finkel; Christopher D. Manning'
''Enforcing Transitivity in Coreference Resolution''
P08-2025 [bib]: 'Yandong Liu; Eugene Agichtein'
''You've Got Answers: Towards Personalized Models for Predicting Success in Community Question Answering''
P08-2032 [bib]: 'Masatoshi Tsuchiya; Shinya Hida; Seiichi Nakagawa'
''Robust Extraction of Named Entity Including Unfamiliar Word''
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