Language and Computation Day 2012


Here is a provisional programme to be finalised nearer the day:

  • 09:45 Welcome; Recent activities of the LAC group
  • 10:00 Lucy Bell and Mahmoud El-Haj SKOS-HASSET Project at the UK Data Archive.
  • 11:00 [Coffee]
  • 11:15 Stephen Clark (University of Cambridge) INVITED TALK: A Mathematical Framework for a Distributional Compositional Model of Meaning Slides
  • 12:15 [Lunch]
  • 13:30 Naledi Kgolo, Sonja Eisenbeiss, Nancy Kula Corpus frequencies and subjective frequency ratings as predictors for lexical decision times in Setswana.
  • 14:00 Chris Fox Methodological Questions.
  • 14:30 Udo Kruschwitz Adaptation of the Concept Hierarchy Model with Search Logs for Query Recommendation on Intranets. Slides
  • 15:00 [Coffee]
  • 15:15 Massimo Poesio BrainNet: combining evidence from corpora and from the brain to study conceptual representations.
  • 15:45 Deirdre Lungley GALATEAS Topic Classification
  • 16.05
  • 16.35 [Tea]

  • We plan to have a quick drink on campus afterwards and more drinks later in Wivenhoe.


Welcome and Recent Activities of the LAC group
This talk will give an introduction to the group and an overview of what the group has been up to since the last LAC day.
Udo Kruschwitz - Adaptive Search at Essex
Will present our SIGIR 2012 paper (Adeyanju,I., D. Song, M-D. Albakour, U. Kruschwitz, A. De Roeck and M. Fasli. "Adaptation of the Concept Hierarchy Model with Search Logs for Query Recommendation on Intranets")
Lucy Bell - SKOS-HASSET Project at the UK Data Archive.
SKOS-HASSET is an 8-month, JISC-funded project, being undertaken within the UK Data Archive to apply SKOS to HASSET (the UK Data Archive’s thesaurus), improve its online presence and test its automated indexing applications. SKOS is a language designed to represent thesauri and other classification resources. It encodes these in a standardised way using RDF to make their structures comparable and to facilitate interaction. SKOS-HASSET is being taken as the terminology source for an automatic indexing tool and applied to items from the Archive’s collection. This presentation will outline in more detail the project’s aims, objectives, progress and potential uses, post-funding. (SKOS-HASSET Project's Blog)
Mahmoud El-Haj - UKDA Keyword Indexing using a Controlled Vocabulary.
Will present the automation of the indexing and keyword extraction process as part of the SKOS-HASSET Project. (SKOS-HASSET Indexing and Evaluation Blog Post)
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