The Language and Computation group includes researchers working on language using computational methods from Computer Science & Electronic Engineering, the Data Archive, and Language & Linguistics.
To get in touch with the people below, add @ and to the listed email address (given in parenthesis).
Computer Science and Electronic Engineering
(Language, Logic and Information/Natural Language Engineering Group)
- Alghamdi, Ans (adalgh)
- information extraction, active learning
- AlHelbawi, Ayman
- entity disambiguation, Arabic language processing
- Chamberlain, Jon (jchamb)
- games development, user interfaces, anaphora resolution
- Fox, Chris (foxcj)
- formal semantics, property theory, plurals & mass terms, anaphora, underspecification, intensional representations, imperatives, deontic reasoning, philosophy of language
- Garcia, Alba (alba.garcia)
- computer vision for biomedical imaging, image retrieval and evaluation
- Kruschwitz, Udo (udo)
- intelligent web search, information retrieval, dialogue, concept hierarchies, markup
- Martinez-Alvarez, Miguel (mmartid)
- adaptive search, topic classification, user profiling, information extraction
- Poesio, Massimo (poesio)
- anaphora and anaphora resolution; ambiguity and underspecification; conceptual models combining neural evidence and evidence from corpora; lexical acquisition and distributional models; deception detection; Arabic NLP; the semantics of dialogue and spoken dialogue systems, and applications of the latter e.g., in Intelligent buildings; semantics and semantic processing; computational psycholinguistics
- Scherp, Ansgar (ansgar.scherp)
- work on NLP and graph analytics with neural networks, IR methods, and the Semantic Web
- Sutcliffe, Richard (rsutcl)
- crosslingual IR, question-answering
- Villavicencio, Aline (avill)
- lexical semantics, multilinguality, and cognitively motivated NLP
Data Archive
- Balkan, Lorna (balka)
- thesauri, machine translation
- Chatsiou, Kakia
- Lungley, Deirdre (dmlung)
- intelligent web search, information retrieval, topic classification, sentiment analysis, named entity extraction, biomedical NLP, lattices, formal concept analysis, concept hierarchies
Language and Linguistics
- Arnold, Doug (doug)
- constraint-based grammar, statistical parsing, semantics, machine translation
- Borsley, Bob (rborsley)
- constraint-based grammar, Welsh linguistics
- Eisenbeiss, Sonja (seisen)
- language acquisition, language and cognition, morphology and the mental lexicon, corpus linguistics
- Sadler, Louisa (louisa)
- lexicalist syntactic theories (principally LFG and HPSG), Welsh syntax, argument structure and the syntax-lexical semantics interface, computational linguistics, machine translation
- Al-Bakour, Hala
- intelligent web search
- Al-Bakour, M-Dyaa (malbak)
- natural language engineering, knowledge acquisition
- Alarfaj, Fawaz
- Searching entities at web scale
- Almuhareb, Abdulrahman
- the acquisition of lexical and ontological knowledge
- Althobaiti, Maha (mjaltha)
- Arabic language processing, named entity extraction, semi-supervised learning, distant learning
- Andrikou, Elina
- spell checking
- Bailey, Carolina (cmbail)
- user profiles, adaptation
- Češka, Zdeněk
- plagiarism detection
- Chatsiou, Kakia (achats)
- LFG, computational grammars, Greek linguistics
- El-Haj, Mahmoud (melhaj)
- Arabic multi-document summarisation
- Flouraki, Maria
- semantics, tense
- Ghotsoulia, Voula (vghotsoulia at
- shallow and deep methods in language processing; semantic role labelling
- Glover, Kevin
- animacy in anaphora resolution
- Goweder, Abduelbaset
- Arabic NLP, morphology, stemming, information retrieval
- Kabadjov, Mijail
- coreference, summarization, semantic processing in social media
- Kawata, Yasuhiro
- part of speech tagging
- Linardaki, Evita
- statistical parsing, data-oriented parsing
- Sanchez-Graillet, Olivia (osanch)
- text mining, acquisition of causal knowledge, Bayesian Nets
- Urgelles, Miriam (murgel)
Former Members
- Al-Haddad, Mohammed
- Artstein,Ron
- anaphora; reliability statistics for corpus annotation; formal semantics and semantics-prosody interaction; compositional semantics below the word level; focus; coordination; temporal quantification
- Reynolds, Jeff
- Machine learning, statistical machine translation, speech
page revision: 18, last edited: 13 Feb 2019 16:50