
The Language and Computation group includes researchers working on language using computational methods from Computer Science & Electronic Engineering, the Data Archive, and Language & Linguistics.

To get in touch with the people below, add @ and to the listed email address (given in parenthesis).

Computer Science and Electronic Engineering

(Language, Logic and Information/Natural Language Engineering Group)

Alghamdi, Ans (adalgh)
information extraction, active learning
AlHelbawi, Ayman
entity disambiguation, Arabic language processing
Chamberlain, Jon (jchamb)
games development, user interfaces, anaphora resolution
Fox, Chris (foxcj)
formal semantics, property theory, plurals & mass terms, anaphora, underspecification, intensional representations, imperatives, deontic reasoning, philosophy of language
Garcia, Alba (alba.garcia)
computer vision for biomedical imaging, image retrieval and evaluation
Kruschwitz, Udo (udo)
intelligent web search, information retrieval, dialogue, concept hierarchies, markup
Martinez-Alvarez, Miguel (mmartid)
adaptive search, topic classification, user profiling, information extraction
Poesio, Massimo (poesio)
anaphora and anaphora resolution; ambiguity and underspecification; conceptual models combining neural evidence and evidence from corpora; lexical acquisition and distributional models; deception detection; Arabic NLP; the semantics of dialogue and spoken dialogue systems, and applications of the latter e.g., in Intelligent buildings; semantics and semantic processing; computational psycholinguistics
Scherp, Ansgar (ansgar.scherp)
work on NLP and graph analytics with neural networks, IR methods, and the Semantic Web
Sutcliffe, Richard (rsutcl)
crosslingual IR, question-answering
Villavicencio, Aline (avill)
lexical semantics, multilinguality, and cognitively motivated NLP

Data Archive

Balkan, Lorna (balka)
thesauri, machine translation
Chatsiou, Kakia
Lungley, Deirdre (dmlung)
intelligent web search, information retrieval, topic classification, sentiment analysis, named entity extraction, biomedical NLP, lattices, formal concept analysis, concept hierarchies

Language and Linguistics

Arnold, Doug (doug)
constraint-based grammar, statistical parsing, semantics, machine translation
Borsley, Bob (rborsley)
constraint-based grammar, Welsh linguistics
Eisenbeiss, Sonja (seisen)
language acquisition, language and cognition, morphology and the mental lexicon, corpus linguistics
Sadler, Louisa (louisa)
lexicalist syntactic theories (principally LFG and HPSG), Welsh syntax, argument structure and the syntax-lexical semantics interface, computational linguistics, machine translation


Al-Bakour, Hala
intelligent web search
Al-Bakour, M-Dyaa (malbak)
natural language engineering, knowledge acquisition
Alarfaj, Fawaz
Searching entities at web scale
Almuhareb, Abdulrahman
the acquisition of lexical and ontological knowledge
Althobaiti, Maha (mjaltha)
Arabic language processing, named entity extraction, semi-supervised learning, distant learning
Andrikou, Elina
spell checking
Bailey, Carolina (cmbail)
user profiles, adaptation
Češka, Zdeněk
plagiarism detection
Chatsiou, Kakia (achats)
LFG, computational grammars, Greek linguistics
El-Haj, Mahmoud (melhaj)
Arabic multi-document summarisation
Flouraki, Maria
semantics, tense
Ghotsoulia, Voula (vghotsoulia at
shallow and deep methods in language processing; semantic role labelling
Glover, Kevin
animacy in anaphora resolution
Goweder, Abduelbaset
Arabic NLP, morphology, stemming, information retrieval
Kabadjov, Mijail
coreference, summarization, semantic processing in social media
Kawata, Yasuhiro
part of speech tagging
Linardaki, Evita
statistical parsing, data-oriented parsing
Sanchez-Graillet, Olivia (osanch)
text mining, acquisition of causal knowledge, Bayesian Nets
Urgelles, Miriam (murgel)

Former Members

Al-Haddad, Mohammed
anaphora; reliability statistics for corpus annotation; formal semantics and semantics-prosody interaction; compositional semantics below the word level; focus; coordination; temporal quantification
Reynolds, Jeff
Machine learning, statistical machine translation, speech
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